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Posts Tagged ‘Employee Performance’

Employee retention, a problem no more


Employee turnover

Better is the adjective by which most of us lead our lives: better homes, better cars, better lifestyle and, more than often, better jobs. Such is the case that, while employees continuously aim to improve their careers, sometimes by changing jobs, companies strive to come up with  solutions to reduce voluntary turnover. Employee retention rate has been and remains one of the most intense battles fought by executives and HR departments.

How leaders influence employee engagement


employee engagement

Leaders have different ways and strategies to engage their employees,depending on the size of each organization. Employees’ productivity is, most of the times, reflected in their commitment towards the organization. Therefore, every organization defines and has diverse approaches to make their workers engaged and, ultimately, more productive.

A key to success: Creating a culture of purpose  


Today’s companies are striving to get the highest results with the least amount of effort.  They strive to gain profit in a simple translation, with minimum expenses. But many enterprises forget one important aspect that differentiate companies which have strong financial performance from the ones which don’t: a strong organizational culture. Yes, having high quality low cost products, processes put in place, engaged and skilled employees is important, but these are outcomes of having a culture of performance.

How to spot lazy employees


We live in a world where companies are rapidly growing, developing their services and entering new markets. For achieving success, organizations invest more and more in the human capital, as one of the company’s main assets.

Having a large number of employees might have downsides, and one of them is that some employees can get lazy at their job. Organizations can track the results of the company or department, but that doesn’t always reflect the volume and quality of work each employee has done.

Top management salary influences an organization’s results


One of the most pressing question regarding top management is “how much a CEO earns per year?” This may vary from thousands to millions of dollars ranges, depending on the industry and the resources a company allocates.

In many organizations, making sure they justify their CEO’s payment is a priority which can be seen in the annual report. For example, in Rio Tinto’s annual report, they devote almost the same amount of space to explaining the remuneration schemes for top management as they do accounting for performance.


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