Measuring Train Service Readiness and Performance during Chinese New Year’s Rush
On 3rd February 2011, China will embrace its lunar new year. The train services industry is preparing for the coming peak travel season of the traditional Chinese New Year. According to recent news reports, the Chinese New Year’s rush is expected to last for 40 days from 19th January till 27th February (China Daily, 2011). The following indicators and targets will help to depict the overall readiness and performance of China’s railway service during this period:
- # Total volume of railway passengers: 230 million
- % Increase of passengers: 12.5% compared to 2010
- # New trains added: 293
- # Average number of trans in service per day: 2,265.5
- # High-speed trains in use: 480
- # Regular trains in use: 8,540
- # Ticket reservation capacity via phone at the same time: 55,000
In spite of all the improvement to train services, the shortage of Spring Festival transport tickets will still exist. According to industry sources, the problem is hoped to be completely solved in five years time (People’s Daily Online, 2011)
For more details on Key Performance Indicators specific to the Transportation – Land transport (road & rail) industry, visit the Trasportation KPI examples section of
People’s Daily Online (2011), 230 Million Expected to Go Home by Train
China Daily (2011), Holiday Ticket Rush Builds up Stream
Photo Source: People’s Daily Online, 2010

Tags: Government performance, KPI, KPI in Practice, Performance in China, Train Services, Transportation performance