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KPIs in practice: METRO performance results



A recent article published in the Victorian daily “The Age” by Royce Millar and Clay Lucas (2011) widely debates the first published performance results of METRO, the newest operator of Melbourne’s franchised rail system.

According with the authors, “the train operator METRO posted a $20 million profit in its first seven months of operation, despite failing every month to meet punctuality targets set by the Brumby governments”.

Despite poor profit figures and performance penalties constantly paid for being unable to meet the agreed contractual targets, METRO chief executive officer is confident that the company performance will ramp up in 2011.

As the chief executive officer reveals, important steps have already been made in that direction, with operational performance showing significant improvements in the first seven months of the contract as compared with its predecessor registered performance figures for the same period a year ago.

One of the most sensible performance indicators that need to be met in order to avoid any future penalties is:

% Punctuality – Target: 88% of trains must be run within 5 minutes of scheduled time

Another important performance indicator is:

% Delivery -Target: 98 % of planned services delivered

As both indicators are key drivers of the company’s service reliability and performance, impacting customer satisfaction and ultimately the company financial performance / profit, they are calculated daily as an average of the last 28 days of data and published on the company homepage as can be seen from the image below.

Other indicators tracked by the company are:

# Six carriage trains operated: 150

# Network length: 830 km

# Train kilometers covered per year: 30 million km

# Customer journeys per year: 200 million

# Customers per day: 400.000

# Track lines operated: 15

# Train stations operated: 212 (METRO, 2011)

The Metro report outlining the use of their Key Performance Indicators can be viewed by accessing the KPI in practice section on

To view more Key Performance Indicators from the Transportation and Infrastructure Operations industries , offers in its KPI examples section a wide selection of such KPIs.


Image Source:

  • Wikipedia
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