Key Performance Indicators measured by the Port of Rotterdam Authority
The port of Rotterdam is the largest logistics and industrial hub in Europe. The port and industrial complex stretches over a length of about 40 kilometers and covers some 12,426 hectares (water and land). The throughput of almost 442 million tons in 2012 makes the port of Rotterdam by far the largest seaport in Europe.
The port area of Rotterdam has excellent accessibility from the sea. It is the only port in Northwestern Europe that offers unrestricted access to ships with the deepest draughts. In 2012 for instance, the world’s largest container ship (CMA CGM Marco Polo) and the largest iron ore carrier (Vale Rio) visited Rotterdam.
The strategy developed by the Port of Rotterdam Authority consists of five specific components: Rotterdam Homebase Showcase, partnering with world-class customers, enterprising developer, chains and networks and connecting with growth markets. There are also two supporting components: finance and organization. A number of objectives have been formulated for each component with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Other KPIs measured: % Market share, % Market share growth concept Container Port, % Transhipment compared to total container throughput (measured in TEU), # Partnerships.
Other KPIs measured: % Rush hour with an average journey time from Maasvlakte to Vaanplein, $ Dredging, $ Quay walls, % Project realization in accordance with agreements about planning schedule, budget and return, % Maximum share of road transport in modal split containers from Maasvlakte terminals.
Harbour Master
Other KPIs measured: # Nautical accidents, # Nautical Safety Index, # Nautical Efficiency Index.
Other KPIs measured: # CO2 emissions.
The Port of Rotterdam follows a Business Plan that shows its objectives up to 2015. The progress of these KPIs are measured on a quarterly basis and every year a strategy audit is performed, in order to check whether objectives and KPIs need tightening up.
Image source:
- Port of Rotterdam
- Port of Rotterdam – Annual report

Tags: Government performance, KPI, Performance in Netherlands, Performance Management, Port of Rotterdam Authority, Strategy, Transportation performance