Sources of corporate governance – Italcementi Group case study

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Google Inc. recently announced the financial results from Q4 2010, reporting revenues of $8.44 billion, a 26% growth compared to Q4 2009.
Bernama, the Malaysian National News Agency reports that The Information Communication and Culture Ministry from Malaysia has successfully achieved its Key Performance Indicators (KPI) set in 2010.
Towers Watson’s 2010 HR Service Delivery and Technology Survey of nearly 500 large and midsize companies around the world clearly underlines that the top priority of HR executives in 2010 was talent / performance systems. The explanation for this result lays in the learning of the organization during the recession, that in order to maintain and increase performance while reducing costs, it is imperative to implement a more effective management of the talent kept and its performance.
According to Klaus Schwab (2008), founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum,
„Global corporate citizenship means that companies must not only be engaged with stakeholders but be stakeholders themselves alongside governments and civil society. Since companies depend on global development, which in turn relies on stability and increased prosperity, it is in their direct interest to help improve the state of the world.”