Green performance – England’s Environmental Agency

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People. Excellence. Change. Integrity. Co-prosperity. Social responsibility. These are some of the principles that create the management philosophy at Samsung.
The digital age has brought many changes for Samsung Electronics, beyond its futuristic products. Performance, in all its shapes, has become both means and purpose.
Alent is a leading supplier of advanced, consumable specialty chemicals and engineered materials used primarily in the electronics, automotive and industrial end market segments.
The business world has had an increased interest for the last 50 years in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The concept is not necessarily new, as companies undertake social initiatives for centuries. However, as customers are no longer buying just a product, but rather a brand, companies have to make sure that consumers want to be a part of their brand. CSR refers to the company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and the environment in which it operates. Companies are accountable not only to shareholders, but also to employees, consumers, suppliers, local communities and society.
Today, the number of companies that choose to go green is highly significant, tens doing it daily. Why go green? What is a green company after all? A green company defines itself by a constant care for the environment, by a sustained effort to have a positive impact of the environment and by a commitment to its principles.