PMA 2014 Conference – Overview Day 2, 26th of June
June 26th was the second day of the PMA 2014 Conference 2014, held at the Aarhus University, in Denmark.
The conference day started off with a keynote presentation, delivered by Professor Mark Finster, of the Wisconsin School of Business. Titled “An Integrated Approach to Sustainability: How organizations generate innovative performance dimensions, benefits, and strategies that create new sustainable business models and expand traditional dimensions of quality, cost and customer”, the presentation emphasized the importance of the environment, ecosystem and biodiversity for the performance management field.
After the keynote presentation, sessions divided into 3 parallel streams, which treated a variety of topics, from sustainability to strategy, from organizational culture to performance management models.
Track 1 brought the following presentations:
- “Measuring social issues in sustainable supply chains” brought by PhD candidate Payman Ahi, of the University of Toronto and Cory Searcy, Associate Professor and Director of the Industrial Engineering Program at Ryerson University;
- “A sustainable strategy model” by Assistant Professor Ole Friis, Assistant Professor Jens Holmgren and Professor Jacob Eskildsen, of the Aarhus University, Business and Social Sciences, AU Herning.
- “An empirical evaluation of a sustainable strategy model” a second presentation, given by the above authors;
- “Analysis of visualization techniques supporting performance measurement process” by Aki Jääskeläinen, post-doctoral researcher and Juho-Matias Roitto, Research Assistant at the Tampere University of Technology;

- “Multi-level strategic alignment within a complex organization” Gavin Lawrie, Managing Director at 2GS Active Management, Nur Anisah Abdullah, Assistant professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia, Christopher Bragg and Guillaume Varlet, from 2GC Active Management;
- “Disciplined Collaborative Performance as the Road to Results” by Mary Jo Hall, Gambrough Group, DeVry University, and Association for Talent Development, USA;
- “Current Trends in Strategic Management and Performance Measurement: Evidence from Japan” presented by Ing. Michaela Blahova, of the Centre of Applied Economic Research of the Faculty of Management and Economics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, PhD. Parissa Haghirian, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Sophia University, Tokyo, and Premysl Palka, Academic and Vice-Dean for international relations at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic;
- “Survive & Thrive: Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Resilience & Robustness” sustained by Rick Edgeman, Professor of Sustainability & Performance at the Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture (ICOA) Aarhus University of Denmark;

- “Sustainability Assessment Vs Building Performance; an Innovative Review” authored by Dr. Fodil Fadli, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Qatar University;
- “Measurement Beyond Financial Performance: Security and Privacy” presented by Dr. Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer and Mag. Sebastian Margiol from the Institute for Information Management and Control of the Vienna University;
- “Performance Measurement System design: Developing a new system for Danish emergency departments”, presented by PhD Student Anders Møllekær and Professor Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, from Aarhus University;
- “Duality Solution in PLS Satisfaction Surveys”, offered by Associate Professor John Vestergaard Olesen and Professor Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, Aarhus University;

- “Enhancing Prioritisation of Technical Attributes in Quality Function Deployment”, written by Associate Professor Nigel Grigg, Lecturer Nicky Campbell-Allen and PhD student Zafar Iqbal, from Massey University;
- “Exploring Performance Measurement Systems in a Service Context”, written by Professors Juhani Ukko and Hannu Rantanen, Senior Researcher Sanna Pekkola and Student Oona Takala, from Lappeenranta University of Technology;
- “Managing Organizational «fit» for Successful Service Alliances”, written by Professor Paul Van Fenema and Bianca Keers from Netherlands Defense Academy and Henk Zijm, Scientific Director at Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics.
Participants from Track 2 assisted at the following presentations:
- “When does it pay to be good? – Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability Performance – Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Review” by Associate Professor Ingo Kleindienst and PhD Student Sylvia Grewatsch, Aarhus University;
- “Integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Measures for Sustainability Performance in Corporate Value Chains reported to Multi-stakeholder Standards” by Thomas Kjærgaard, of the Aarhus University;

- “The crippled bottom line – measuring sustainability” by Raine Isaksso Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University, Mikael Johnson, Associate Professor at Karlstadt Universiy and Professor Rickard Garvare, Luleå University of Technology;
- “Triple Bottom Line and Firm’s Sustainable Performance Measurement” by Lecturer Flavio Hourneaux Junior and Professor Marcelo Gabriel, Nove de Julho University, and Dolores Gallardo-Vázquez, Universidad de Extremadura;
- Corporate sustainability reports in the apparel industry: An analysis of reported indicators by PhD Student Anika Kozlowski, Michal Bardecki, Director Graduate Programs in Environmental Applied Science and Management and Cory Searcy, Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Program Director of Industrial Engineering Program, from Ryerson University;

- “Performance management systems in universities: do governance structures matter?”, written by Ana I. Melo, Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Associate Professor, Department of Management, ISEG – Lisboa School of Economics and Management and Zoe Radnor, Associate Dean for Teaching, Loughborough University;
- “Grand Global Challenges in Relation to Superior and Sustained Enterprise Performance & Impact” by Professor Rick Edgeman, ICOA, Aarhus University;
- “The Uses of Measures in Performance Prism in Different Organizational Cultures” by Unchan Youngbantao, Master of Accounting Program and Nopadol Rompho, Associate Professor at Thammasat University;
- “Discussing performance management architecture in public service broadcasting” by Associate Professor Torben Tambo, Aarhus University and Ole Dahl Gabel, Danish Broadcasting Corporation;

- “Role of performance measurement in developing industrial services” by Professor Juhani Ukko, Senior Researcher Sanna Pekkola, Project Researcher Minna Saunila and Reseacher Tero Rantala, from Lappeenranta University of Technology;
- “Exploring the Impact of National Culture on Performance Measurement (PM)”, written by Ihssan Jwijati, Operations Management Tutor and Umit Bititci, Professor of Business Performance at Heriot-Watt University;
- “Transfer of performance information as a driver of network performance” by Harri Laihonen, Research Fellow at Tampere University of Technology and Sanna Pekkola, Senior Researcher at Lappeenranta University of Technology;
- “Managing Inter-Organizational Networks for Customer Value: Constructing Networks in the Experience Economy” by Jean-Paul Peronard, Associate professor at Aarhus University;
- “The benefits of taking a radical approach to continuous innovation” from Jacob Brix, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University and Lois S. Peters, Associate Professor of Enterprise Management at Lally School of Management;

Track 3 also brought an array of presentations, comprised of the following:
- “Employee job satisfaction and quit behavior” by Professor Anders Frederiksen, Aarhus University;
- “Lean target communication in SMEs” by Carina Larsson, Kristina Säfsten, Anna Syberfeldt, Industrial organisation and production, School of Engineering Science, Sweeden;
- “How managers use performance measurement in strategy making” by Mike Bourne, Professor of Business Performance and Gillian Pratt, PhD Student, from Cranfield University’s School of Business;
- “Exploring Lean deployment in New Zealand apple pack-houses” by Johan Theodoor Doevendans, Associate Professors Nigel Grigg and Jane Goodyer, Massey University;
- “Management Tools for the New Workplace” by Lukas Michel, Owner, Founder and MD AgilityINsights;
- “Utilization of Balanced Scorecard and Customer Relationship Management and the Effect of Their Joint Use on the Financial Performance of Companies in the Czech Republic” by Professor Adriana Knapkova, Vice dean of Faculty of Management and Economics, prof. Dr. Ing. Drahomíra Pavelková and Ing. Lubor Homolka, from Tomas Bata University in Zlín;
- “Divide and conquer? The digital dilemma. Ambidexterity in the newspaper industry” by Tor Bøe-Lillegraven, Copenhagen Business School and head of CCI Business Consulting;
- “Designing High Performance Corporate Culture” – Grant Regan (CEO, QaBe Developments, Canada) provided an interactive session pertaining to designing and developing a high-performance corporate culture;

- “Self-Efficacy and Vertical Trust as Predictors of Distributed Leadership in Danish Helath Care Context” by Ajay K. Jain and Hans Jeppe Jeppesen, from the Department of Human Behavior and Organization Development, Management Development Institute, India, and Thomas Jønsson, Student Worker, Aarhus University;
- “The service of performance measurement of public service” by Christian Lystbaek, Visiting Instructor and Associate professor at Aarhus University;
- “Dynamic system crisis’s detecting using big data flow presented” by Svetlana Maltseva, Acting Dean, Faculty of Business Informatics and Andrey Dmitriev, Professor in the Dept. of Corporate Information Systems, from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia;
- “Developing A Business Performance Management Model For Paltel Group – Palestine delivered” by Ahmad Maharma, Project Manager at Jawwal and Yahya Saleh, Assistant Professor on Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at An Najah National University, Palestinian Territory.
The second day of the PMA 2014 Conference comprised numerous and highly-experienced speakers, who delivered extensive presentations and provided valuable insights on performance management and measurement, strategy and sustainability.

Tags: Performance Management, PMA 2014 Conference