Nurturing And Advancing National Leadership Capability: The Experience Of The Qatar Leadership Centre
Oussama Mansour, CEO at Profiles International MENA and Khaled Elgouhary, Director of Strategy and Performance at Qatar Leadership Centre (QLC) presented a case study during the second day of the HR Summit and Expo 2012. Their case study was focused on national leadership development as pursued by the Qatar Leadership Centre.
Some of the key points of their case study included:
- In 2004, Qatar launched a national strategy (Qatar National Vision 2030) that provided the context in which the QLC was later established;
- One of the key programs of QLC was the “Future leaders program”; its purpose was to provide a database of talented leaders, with the government having the option to tap into this talent database;
- 35 program participants were selected from an initial applicant pool of 350; the selection process was completed in three stages: 1) application review, 2) psychometric assessment and 3) panel interview; some of the competencies that were included in the selection criteria were strategic focus, ability to change, communication, leadership, problem solving and decision making;
- All selected participants benefited from an intensive preparation, including courses delivered from professors from schools such as Harvard Business School; they took part in study visits in countries such as China, where they learned lessons from the experience of organizing the Olympic Games; one of the participants described the experience as “life changing”.

Tags: HR, HR Summit and Expo, Human Resources performance, leaders program, Leadership Capability, psychometric assessment