KPI of the Day – Healthcare: % Outpatient Surgeries
Measures the percentage of surgeries that allow a person to return home on the same day, out of the total surgeries performed.
To indicate the surgical procedures that do not require inpatient services. Complete surgical procedures consist of pre-surgery, the surgery itself, and post-surgery. These three closely related stages will be a critical determinant of the success of the surgery and the length of the recovery process.
Compared to the more traditional inpatient surgery, there are many advantages of outpatient surgery. The patient might find it more convenient and less stressful to stay at home, and he would be able to reduce the cost of his treatment by avoiding hospitalization periods and all of the medical expenses that come associated with this.
Outpatient surgery is ideal for those medical cases where post-surgery care can be easily administered at home, without a high risk of complications that would require a physician or a nurse.
Along with the development of technology and the improvement of anesthesia and pain control, many post-operative procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.
To achieve an increase in outpatient surgery, the medical institution must carefully check the qualifications of all doctors, nurses, and the clinical staff who is working with them. These qualifications should include certification, license, special training, and exams. You should also make sure that an anesthesiologist is a person who can lead and be responsible for providing an anesthetic to a patient and for monitoring him.
Before releasing a patient, the medical institution must have that patient’s medical record and a list of requirements based on his/her surgical case, so that the doctor can check the progress of that patient’s health in case he/she comes again in the future. The medical record should include a patient’s release requirements such as stable vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature), the ability to empty the bladder, and the ability to walk unassisted.
For maximizing the outcomes of outpatient surgeries, the medical institution should give each family a few written instructions before releasing a patient. These recommendations should include:
- A brief explanation on the complications a patient might experience, the telling symptoms and on how the family can provide first aid at home;
- An emergency contact number for when a problem or complication occurs;
- A list of the patient’s medication and instructions on how to take them;
- A few suggestions related to what activities the patient can do and to what food he/she can eat;
- Indications regarding when and where to go if the patient needs a medical check-up.
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Tags: Healthcare performance, KPI