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Posts Tagged ‘Strategy Execution’

The role of governance in strategy implementation


One of the most important factors in running a successful business is strategy implementation, where general, strategic objectives are translated into precise activities that involve bringing ideas to fruition. Operational performance is used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of these activities in achieving strategic goals and objectives. Meanwhile, governance provides the structure and rules needed to monitor performance and achieve objectives, which requires good planning, resource allocation, and management.

Governance mechanisms are critical to guiding, monitoring, and improving strategy planning and execution. Roles and accountabilities should be clear: the board of directors sets the company strategy, goals, and overall direction. Top management ensures the strategy is translated and cascaded to the lower managerial levels. Middle management is critical to ensure the implementation of strategic objectives.

Upon receiving clear direction from the top management, middle managers should also set clear responsibilities and metrics. Metrics should be set to monitor success impartially.  Clear roles and their coordination could also be ensured by appointing a strategy/performance office responsible for overseeing the strategy process, contributing to setting strategic objectives, and coordinating performance measurement. 

Organizational Hierarchy | Source: The KPI Institute – C-KPI Course

The purpose of governance is to ensure that an organization continuously fulfills its mission by coordinating its strategy with its operational goals, procedures, and standards. Procedures and processes are essential to the success of an organization, as these help ensure that resource allocation is done properly, with all stakeholders having a clear role in how the organization’s objectives are achieved. In the case of a company where multiple projects run at the same time in various areas, this is especially important. Confusion, overlap, and miscommunication may arise in these situations, therefore, clear rules, guidelines, and accountabilities should be set up. 

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Reliable, comprehensive financial and non-financial information is at the core of governance, as it serves decision-making. Reporting procedures are crucial to ensure the right processes are set up to disclose the necessary data to the stakeholders, with mechanisms for regular reporting to share performance data and progress updates. Performance reporting is important as it disseminates information, communicates progress, forecasts progress, and updates status to stakeholders.

Moreover, decisions are taken based on the information received, and an organized process for review and decision-making, such as regular strategic review meetings or performance review sessions could be implemented. Periodic performance reviews measured against objectives should be conducted to analyze gaps, identify areas for improvement, and initiate corrective actions.

Governance cannot be properly implemented without the adequate behaviors of people. Since emotions play a large role in shaping behavior, it becomes all the more crucial for leaders to facilitate buy-in from the organization. Leaders should provide trust, guidance, and direction, instilling the necessary behaviors that support the organization’s objectives. Communication should be clear and consistent to provide clear direction.

As resistance is natural given the fear of the unknown or the perceived negative changes, it is important to address employee concerns and provide support. Some of the potential barriers are removed when support is provided to ensure that employees understand the strategy, their roles, and how their performance contributes to strategic objectives.

Read More: The power of change management in strategy execution

In conclusion, governance is indispensable for an organization’s success and reputation. By establishing clear structures, processes, and accountability mechanisms, governance ensures that the company operates in alignment with its objectives, values, and legal obligations. It provides a framework for effective decision-making, safeguarding the interests of shareholders, employees, customers, and other stakeholders. To summarize, governance isn’t merely a corporate formality—it’s the cornerstone of organizational excellence and trust in the modern business world.

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Best practices for enhancing employee performance through strategy execution


Image source: studioroman | Canva

In today’s dynamic business landscape, the success of any organization hinges on its ability to execute its strategies effectively. A well-crafted strategy can set the direction for growth and innovation, but its potential is realized only when it is translated into action through meticulous execution. Central to this process is the role of employees, who are the driving force behind turning strategic visions into tangible results. 

Employee performance is a pivotal factor in the success of any organization. To achieve excellence, companies must focus on setting clear strategies and executing them effectively. This article will delve into best practices for driving employee performance, emphasizing strategy execution.

  • Strategic alignment: Effective strategy execution begins with aligning individual roles and responsibilities with the overarching organizational strategy. By clearly communicating the company’s goals and vision, employees gain a deeper understanding of how their contributions directly impact the larger picture. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and promotes a collective commitment to achieving shared objectives.
  • Clear communication and cascading goals: A well-executed strategy demands clear communication across all levels of the organization. Leaders play a vital role in disseminating the strategic direction, ensuring that every team member knows their role in the grand scheme. The practice of cascading goals from top to bottom ensures that each employee’s performance objectives are in harmony with the organization’s strategic imperatives. It is important to regularly communicate the big picture to emphasize the importance of individual contributions.
  • Metrics and performance tracking: Measuring employee performance is essential for gauging strategy execution effectiveness. Implementing performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) provides a quantifiable way to assess progress. Regular reviews allow adjustments to be made, ensuring the strategy remains on course. Visual tools, such as charts and tables, can help visualize performance trends and identify areas for improvement. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals and KPIs that align with the overarching strategy provides employees with tangible targets and fosters a sense of accomplishment.
  • Empowerment and autonomy: Empowered employees are more likely to take ownership of their tasks and proactively seek ways to contribute to the strategy’s success. Providing employees the autonomy to make decisions within their roles fosters a sense of accountability and commitment. This empowerment not only boosts individual performance but also promotes innovation and adaptability.
  • Recognition and rewards: Acknowledging and celebrating accomplishments, both big and small, go a long way in motivating employees. Recognition reinforces the connection between their efforts and the organization’s success. Tangible rewards, whether financial or non-monetary, serve as incentives that drive heightened performance.

Avoiding common pitfalls

While striving for optimal strategy execution, it is vital to steer clear of common pitfalls. One such pitfall is underestimating the importance of ongoing training and development. A skilled workforce is more capable of executing strategies successfully. Additionally, neglecting to monitor progress can lead to deviations from the intended path.

In the pursuit of organizational success, effective strategy execution is paramount, and employee performance should be inherently tied to it. Employees’ commitment, enthusiasm, and performance can determine whether a strategy remains an abstract concept or a tangible reality. Organizations can unlock the full potential of their strategic visions by aligning employees with the strategy, fostering open communication, recognizing achievements, and empowering them with tools to succeed. As leaders cultivate an environment where strategy execution is a collective endeavor, they pave the way for sustained growth, innovation, and achievement of long-term goals.


This article is written by Rami Al Tawil, Organizational Excellence Director at Al Saedan Real Estate Company, who holds a master’s degree in industrial engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology. With 19 years of expertise spanning Strategy Planning, Performance Management, Business Improvement, and more, he excels in aligning employees with strategic visions for consistent performance improvement.

Practitioner Interview: Hosni Mahjoub

HosniIn 2017, the Performance Magazine editorial team interviewed Hosni MahjoubGroup Head of Strategy and Performance at Batelco Group, Bahrain. His thoughts and views on Performance Management are detailed below.
I think that the best way to improve performance management integration at different levels is to align the organization, the department and the individual by cascading SMART performance indicators from top to bottom and across all activities.


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