Four Simple Ways to Improve Manager Communication
The normal resource-based economy is slowly changing to a knowledge-based one. Successful companies do not only depend on their resources, but also on the creativity of their employees. Nowadays, creativity is an important asset that every company should have. Going back to the early 2000s, who did not know about Nokia? Almost every person that had a mobile phone chose to buy Nokia. Where is Nokia now?
Unfortunately, they couldn’t adapt to the market’s changes, and they weren’t able to see that the world had changed. The giant had fallen because of a small android invented by a small company. To survive the constant change and evolution of the industry, every company should have the ability to notice each small shift in the market.
Creating a comfortable work environment is needed to boost employee capability and creativity. A comfortable environment should not be reduced to a nice chair and a desk, it should represent the way in which managers establish communication with their employees.
Sometimes, mistakes come from miscommunication. Employees cannot read minds, so managers should deliver order using crystal clear directives. This way, the employees can understand what the managers want from them. Here are a few simple things that a manager can do to improve communication:
- Be assertive
Without a doubt, every employee must respect his employer. However, you should give orders in such a way as to not humiliate your employees. You can benefit a lot more from gaining their respect, than from treating them as mere tools.
- Give feedback
Every manager should give his subordinates feedback. This way, the employees can understand their strengths and weaknesses, and try to improve where necessary. Through feedback you can help them become better employees.
- Listen
Few people want to listen. The fact is, sometimes problems can be solved only by listening. Be a good listener so your employees know that you care about them. It will create a friendly work environment, and it will get you their loyalty.
- Share the company’s goals
The company has goals to achieve, and it is a manager’s duty to break down those goals into small steps, so that the employees can focus on their tasks. Sharing the company’s strategic plans and goals with the employees is very important, because that way your employees can better understand the directives they are given. In the end, every journey is easier if we know the destination.
These examples are just a few small bubbles of air in an ocean full of foam. We can easily find other strategies to improve managers’ communication skills. The next issue is not whether we are going to implement this or that strategy, but whether we are going to do it or not. Even if it looks like an easy task, changing the way we communicate is actually very difficult.
We need to have a strong will to do so, because not everyone wants to leave his comfort zone. We must not forget that we live in a very different world, and that failing to adapt leads to our immediate loss.
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Tags: Communication, Individual Performance, Strategy Management