Discussing the future of performance management and measurement – Sai S. Nudurupati, Patrizia Garengo, Umit S. Bititci and Alberto Sardi, at the PMA 2014 Conference
The presentation “Future of Performance Management and Measurement. An empirical evidence” was offered, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by Sai Nudurupati, Senior Lecturer at the Manchester Metropolitan University, Patrizia Garengo, Lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padua, Umit Bititci, Professor & Director of the School of Management and Languages from the Herriot Watt University and Alberto Sardi, also from the Department of Industrial Engineering, of the University of Padua.
The main purpose of their research study was to explore how the emerging business trends affect Performance Management and Measurement (PMM) practices within organizations.
Some social and economic trends that have been identified by the researchers are:
- Global customers emergence;
- Social media creates markets with higher customer expectations;
- People connectivity is increased by recent technological developments;
- Growth in studies on innovation since late 1990s;
- Co-creating value with customers;
- The awareness on environmental issues.
Four case organizations were selected for an empirical investigation, which highlighted five emerging trends. The main trends that were identified, along with their implications on PMM practices, are:
- Collaboration and networking: the opportunities to collaborate with other organizations have enormously increased;
- Multicultural aspects: the most complicated situation involves companies working in a network of several organizations involving different cultures;
- Servitization: understanding and developing PMM practices for value-in-use perspective, as well as different types of innovation require attention from professionals;
- Sustainability & CSR: it is an organization’s interest to develop quality performance indicators for these standards;
- Innovation: organizations need to develop PMM practices to monitor and manage their innovation and knowledge work.

Tags: Performance Management, Performance Measurement, PMA 2014 Conference