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The star set of common interview questions – how to perform properly


Job interview  common questions

Professional success, and the entailed performance, both start with the standard issue interview. To this effect, there is a set of seemingly benign, rudimentary questions that can deviate a potentially good career trajectory, and which the interviewee needs to navigate cautiously. The smart way to overcome this obstacle, and have the best performance, is to focus on the fine details, the allegedly unimportant issues and develop a best strategy for personal presentation.  

Multitasking – is it really good for you?



Multitasking is part of our daily lives. From the driver who is paying attention to the traffic and answering passengers’ inquiries while listening to the music, to the employee who is answering a phone call while screening a report, we all need to perform more activities in the same time. Multitasking is a necessity, but what impact does it have on our personal performance?

Focus. Balance. Perform


Balance and performance

There is no secret to the fact that improving one’s ability to focus will bring around numerous benefits. Apart from the canonical healthcare benefits, such as diminishing anxiety and depression symptoms, training and improving one’s ability to focus can improve the overall quality of life, not to mention boost performance parameters.


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