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10 Key Performance Indicators for 2010


KPIs Performance Architect update 35/2010 contains over 5,000 KPI examples from 14 functional areas and 24 industries. A question raised by many is: ‘If you are to pick a handful, which ones would stand out?’

I have selected below 10 KPI examples of what we consider to be smartKPIs: they are widely used and relevant, the superstars of KPIs. This is not to say any company should use them. Simply, a list of 10 KPI examples anyone should take note of:

% Net profit rate – A profitable business is a sustainable business. It is however important to have realistic expectations. Returns of over 30% may be speculative, while in some economies returns of under 5% are lower than interest rates.

$ Revenue – Growing revenue is an expression of having the right product/service mix, supported by the right team delivered at the right time. Converting opportunities in sales is the essence of a sustainable business.

% Profitable customers – getting the balance right is the basis for financial success. Although oftentimes it is difficult to track, it is ads a great deal of insight and informs decision making. Activity based costing is key to getting this indicator right.

# Net Promoter Score – having customers that are not only satisfied, but are actively endorsing a company/product/service. Recently is has become a favourite indicator of customer satisfaction, due to its simplicity and relevance.

% On-time delivery – an operational focused KPI with wide reaching implications. It can be used in a variety of industries and functional areas, as time is an important resource to anyone. Oftentimes it acts as a bottleneck as it is influenced by many indicators and it impacts a great deal of other indicators.

% Projects on time, on budget and according to specifications – getting the triangle right is difficult and priorities may vary from one project to another. It is however a useful base to start from. Can be customised as per the preference of project boards and project managers to cover only specific aspect of the triangle.

% Processes optimised – one key managerial responsibility is creating the right environment for the staff members to operate in. This includes using a management system that is well thought of and refined. Mapping and improving work processes is key to using a performance oriented architecture.

# Employee engagement – Some say money can’t buy it. It is that extra level of commitment that is induced by motivating purposes, inspiring leaders and working environments that facilitate happiness in the professional life.

# Proposed improvement ideas per employee – inspired by H.W. Heinrich’s work in the 1930s or “the Pyramid Theory” as some call it. They main results are visible at the top, but you need to monitor the base to ensure the right outcomes are achieved.

$ Investment in learning per employee – Not the ideal indicator of training impact, but a widely used substitute. It monitors both training spend and the wide allocation of funds to avoid serial trainees.

An issue with KPI examples is that names don’t tell the complete story. To find out more about each of these examples and thoroughly understand them a separate blog post would be required for each, complemented by a complete KPI documentation form. In the meantime, is available to further explore relevant and well documented KPI examples.

Stay smart! Enjoy!

Aurel Brudan Performance Architect,

Walker, Rob 1992, “Rank Xerox – Management Revolution”, Long Range Planning, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 9 to 21

The European Life Long Learning Index (ELLI) 2010
Gallup Potential Net Migration Index - Singapore - New Zealand - Saudi Arabia - Canada - Switzerland - Australia - Kuwait atop

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