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Measuring loyalty with KPIs: Facebook vs. Google


Online KPIs

According to a report from global information services company Experian Hitwise, Facebook visitors are more loyal to News and Media websites than are visitors from “In particular, among the top 5 Print Media websites in the week ending March 6, 2010, 78% of users were returning visitors compared to 67% from Google News. The figures are almost identical for Broadcast Media, with a 77% returning rate for compared to 64% for Google News.”

The KPIs used in this report were:

Online KPIs

Heather Hopkins, Senior Online Analyst at Hitwise, uses the following example: ” 81% of visits to in the week to March 6, 2010 were returning visitors while 84% of visitors to that came from were returning visitors and 72% from Google News were returning visitors.”

According to Hitwise, in most cases, is the first source of traffic to these sites. However, visitors from Google are less likely to be returning visitors than average for either Google News or Facebook.

The KPIs used for measuring performance of a website can make the difference when concluding if the website is successful or not. Therefore, selecting the most relevant performance indicators is a very important process. offers specific performance indicators examples for this area in the Library of KPI examples for Online Presence.


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Facebook overtakes Google, becoming the most visited website in US . For now...

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