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Posts Tagged ‘Team Performance’

Towards building team performance


The performance of a team and its achievement inside an organization represent one of the aspects that help an organization to record good results and perform better. In order to attain performance according to the goals that are set, teams should be built around people who are willing to work together, so that, at the end of the day, the desired outcomes are met.

Enhancing employee motivation through work recognition


“Recognition is the most inexpensive, easy-to-use motivational technique available to management.”(Jim Clemmer, The Clemmer Group)

Recognition can be defined as acknowledgement and genuine appreciation of employees who have made positive contribution to the company’s success. It is an important form of feedback on the results of individual, or team efforts that has a direct impact on employees’ motivation levels.

Ensure your success through the right benchmarking team


Benchmarking team

The process of developing a benchmarking team is essential in order to be able to conduct a benchmarking study that aligns to the actual organizational strategies and identifies the right targets. It is one of the most important aspects that determines the success of the benchmarking plan. Hence, when conducting a benchmarking research, the responsible team can make the difference between success and failure.

Teambuilding: paving the way to engagement



How much do you care for the people you work with? For the majority of us, work is all about executing individual tasks and sticking to our own cubicle. We like our daily routine, because it is familiar to us, but little do we want to know about what happens in other cubicles on the same floor. However, as much as we might enjoy having a quiet day at work, unchallenged activities make us poor performers. While we may not notice our own apathy and lack of involvement, people around us may well do so.


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