STC receives the Integrated Performance Excellence Award

It is with great pride and joy to announce that during the Certification Awards Ceremony that took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on the 18th of February, the Saudi Telecom Company (STC) received the ”Integrated Performance Excellence” Award in strategy and performance management.
The KPI Institute, through its Global Performance Audit Unit, worked with STC in order to assess the organization’s performance management maturity level, which resulted in a level 4 out of 5 evaluation score, showcasing STC’s high level of management maturity.
“This is a clear indication of the company’s maturity level performance. While their strength indices should be further nurtured and a few of their low performance points need to be better developed & enhanced – based on worldwide criteria, this is nonetheless a resounding success” – Aurel Brudan, CEO, The KPI Institute
The organization was measured across five different areas:
- Strategic Planning
- Performance Measurement
- Performance Management
- Performance Culture
- Employee Performance Management
Furthermore, the evaluation process adopted a set of maturity model frameworks, developed to assess the complexity of institutional capacities, in order to identify gaps between maturity levels and provide the necessary guidance to overcome them.
“The award reflects our commitment to our DARE strategy and represents a clear indication that we’re on the right track when it comes to HR management & performance measurement strategies.” – Ahmad Al Ghamdi, Vice President at STC Human Resources
The Saudi Telecom Company has gone through several strategies over the years. It first started with LEAD, between 2012 – 2014, through which it attempted to become the leading force within the KSA Market.
Then, in 2015, all the way to the end of 2017, they created NEXT HORIZON, aiming to transfer the business and culture of STC in the greater business environment, as well as throughout the entirety of the company.
Fast forward to the former present and at the start of 2018, it decided to reinvent itself once more with DARE.
D – Digitalize STC
A – Accelerate core assist performance
R – Reinvent customer experience
E – Expand scale and scope aggressively
This strategy allowed it to get a much better understanding of its business environment, than ever before. As such, STC expanded into new markets and new digital services, like the Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, In-depth Data Analytics and much more, which essentially paved the way for performance to grow at unprecedented rates.
It is always an honour to work with companies that dedicate themselves to performance excellence and with this award, the Saudi Telecom Company has proven that they can be a visionary leader and an admirable example for others to follow.

Tags: GPA Unit, Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance, Performance in Saudi Arabia, The KPI Institute