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Improved performance of mass recruitment

Improving recruiting performance

There are two main factors which determine nowadays recruitment to become mass recruitment, no matter the area or the specialization. On the one hand, there is the globalization factor, which forces corporations into a process of fast development and growth from all points of view, including the number of employees operating within them. On the other hand side, the dynamics of the work market comes from the fact that younger generations gain a different perspective upon changing jobs. They constantly follow what is in their best interest and are less attached to the job itself. The lower attachment is given by the fact that corporate work environments have numerous elements of similarity in common therefore, in such a context, a job change may not be such a big change.

Taking these aspects into consideration, recruitment can turn into an endless process where the company seeks to grow while employees continue to leave. In these conditions, the recruitment process is what makes the difference and it is one aspect that will make the desired growth actually happen. An effective recruitment process has a greater impact on employees’ retention rate in comparison to an inadequate recruitment process, where the wrong people, with mismatched expectations from their role, are hired. When such is the case, the reason for a high %Employee turnover can be easily attributed to the fact that mismatched expectations cause gaps between the teams and colleagues, thus giving rise to disengagement.

In this context, a successful recruiter must be able to focus and to identify those key traits which suit equally both the job requirements and the company’s environment. Too often, recruiters fail to fully understand the profile they are looking for or to thoroughly know the team for which they are recruiting. In order to fill these commons gaps, recruiters need to establish a close communication and professional relation with the teams for which they are recruiting. In this manner, they will obtain a clearer understanding of the workload and work activity performed by the team and also gain a perspective on everyone’s main personality traits.

Another crucial aspect fully controlled by the recruiter is transparency. In critical times, when either the pressure from hiring managers increases or recruitment is needed just to close positions as soon as possible, recruiters can present an opportunity in a brighter light. This detail determines candidates to create those high expectations that will not be met, ultimately, following the start of their activity. Lack of transparency cases can also stem from a recruiter’s poor knowledge of the activities and the team for which recruitment is made.

These incidents often arise in contexts where the open job positions are either technical or very different from the recruiter’s daily routine. Other bigger challenges appear when the recruiter is located in a different city, area, even country. In such situations, it is recommended that the recruiter participates to courses related to the field for which he or she is recruiting. Another option is for the recruiter to hold weekly meetings, online or face to face, with the staff of the team which needs recruitment or with the hiring managers.

If the candidate expects transparency to be displayed by the recruiter, the same is asked, in return, of him or of her. Nevertheless, it remains the recruiter’s responsibility to accurately identify those aspects which were truthfully presented by the candidate and those which were not.

A candidate’s references represent one more pillar in the recruitment process. When it comes to references, a strong network is what makes the difference and, ultimately, saves a significant amount of time. Taking references implies acting with responsibility. Current research explains that taking references implies acting with responsibility and following more than two leads, before jumping straight to a conclusion.

A recruiter’s activity becomes even more challenging when he or she is confronted with a large number of applications to screen in order to select the most relevant ones. This process is a time consuming one and requires full attention from the recruiter’s side. To combat large amounts of irrelevant data, recruiters are using platforms which gather applications and then sort and cluster them.

Therefore, a recruiter, besides fully using his soft skills, has to make use of technology in order to keep up with the dynamics of the working market. Because it has a great volume, recruitment implies a rigorous approach, as well as handling every position differently but, mostly, each candidate needs to go through a personalized recruitment process.


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