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KPI of the Day – Sustainability: $ Funds raised per employee

funds raised


Measures the average value of funds raised by a company, per employee, with the scope of donating them for humanitarian purposes.


To provide an overview of the effectiveness of employees’ involvement in fund raising.


Participating in fundraising events and making private donations represent good ways for corporate employees to get involved in community welfare. At the same time, as a major part of corporate social responsibility policies, fundraising contributes to a positive public image for companies, while requiring minimum resource and effort investments on the company’s part.

Generally, targets are not recommended for this KPI, as individual efforts in fund raising and donations should not be put under pressure.

However, companies can track annual changes for this indicator as part of their social responsibility strategies, to assess the level of involvement on their employees’ part and to implement initiatives that spark involvement if necessary. Additionally, this KPI allows for better comparison between companies than more general KPIs related to funds raised or number of sponsorship projects.

Increasing the value of $ Funds raised per employee is not only beneficial for the non-governmental institutions and parties on the receiving end of the donations, but also for the company’s brand reputation and employee approval. CSR and sustainability managers could take into account the following options for increasing and optimizing fundraising in their company:

  • Matching charitable contributions raised by employees, dollar-for-dollar – in order to keep expenditures under control from the company’s part; the sum of money matched can be limited to a certain amount per employee;
  • Support employee participation in charity runs, marathons and other similar fundraising activities, thus also boosting the company’s # Employee engagement index;
  • Another positive contributor to employee engagement could be encouraging them to identify and suggest recipients for these funds, which should be aligned with the company’s values and sustainability strategy;
  • While donations and fundraising represent accessible means to get involved in corporate social responsibility, companies should also seek to implement more impactful projects to address problems and needs identified in the community.

If you are interested in more Sustainability related KPIs, subscriptions provide access to +1,500 KPI examples. Our dedicated Library contains relevant resources to improve your KPI practices, and if you want to further improve your knowledge, feel free to explore our latest sustainability related publications – our white paper on Sustainability Reporting, The Health, Safety, Security and Environment KPI DictionaryThe KPI Dictionary Volume I: Functional Areas and The Resources KPI Dictionary.

Image source:

KPI of the Day – Healthcare: % Surgical site infection rate
KPI of the Day – Sales: % Gross margin return on investment (GMROI)

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