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The State of Employee Performance Management Reports – 2016 Edition


Over the past years, our workforce has seen considerable amounts of change. Soft skills have become as important as hard skills, communication is no longer done horizontally, but vertically as well, between managers and employees and last, but not least, the relationship between job satisfaction and rewards has become much more nuanced. And this last point is of critical importance.

The State of Employee Performance Management Reports, 2016 Edition is a joint effort of The KPI Institute and KPISOFT, which aims to explore how current employee appraisal system changes look, and how the main driver of change – today’s millennials, are shaping this process. You can find either the global edition or any of the regional ones, for the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, the GCC or Australasia, by accessing the following link.

The reports are based on a sample size of 1001 professionals, from all over the world, who have answered questions on 34 topics. These are as follows:

  1. Relevance of employee performance management

This topic assesses the importance given by professionals to this matter in general, as well as the actual priority of appraisal systems in organizations.

  1. Employee performance management configuration

Collects data on the most common tools used by organizations to manage such a system.

  1. Governance

Clarifies responsibilities and the coordination of employee performance management systems within an organization.

  1. Timing

Highlights planning, accessing and reporting frequency of employee performance data.

  1. Performance culture

Looks at how the individual performance management system is integrated within the organizational culture.

  1. Pay-for-performance

Reflects upon the popularity of different reward types.

  1. Software solution

Indicates employee performance management software features that are important for users.

  1. Satisfaction

Reveals satisfaction drivers for employees in relation to individual performance management systems.

The survey contains descriptive and quantitative primary data, represented through a LIKERT scale and was conducted from the start of January, to the end of February, 2016.

Its structure is three-folded: in the first section, we have the main survey findings, for each topic; in the second part, we explore the survey demographics, in order to get a better understanding of our data, regarding respondents and in the final section, we offer a conclusion that reviews our information and puts things into perspective.

The regional reports will be free of charge until the 29th of August, 2016, whilst the pricing for the global one remains unchanged. After the 29th of August, the pricing will be the following:

  • State of Employee Performance Management Global Edition 2016 – $495 – unchanged;
  • State of Employee Performance Management Regional Edition 2016 – $349.

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