Draw Your Future!
“A solitary fantasy can transform a million realities.” – Maya Angelou
Let’s talk about your dreams, those recurring series of thoughts that you envisage one day to turn into reality. People might know exactly where they want to be, but most often than not it is their behaviour that keeps them from getting there. Scientific research shows that the odds against you making a change in your life are 9 to 1 and as such, Patti Dobrowolski explains in this amazing Ted Talk how to better plan out your future to best those numbers.
In order to attain the life you have always wanted, you must first envision it, believe it, and then ask and train your brain to help you execute your vision. Patti Dobrowolski proposes a method that can raise the chances of achieving our dreams and future plans: drawing. She inspires the audience to draw their current state and their desired reality, in order to achieve a roadmap for change, as visual elements act like a motivator for people. Moreover, people remember things 75% better when they are connected to a picture.
When you want to reach this new desired state of reality, you must first trick your brain. The left and right side of the brain can have an uneven influence on people when they plan for the future, due to the way that the two hemispheres communicate information and control decision-making. According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. The left side is responsible for criticism and keeps people away from dangerous actions, whereas imagination and creativity are activated by the right side of the brain.
People get the most out of their dreams by first drawing a picture of what they perceive is their future. Our brain eliminates serotonin and oxytocin when we draw and dream – and that makes us feel happy. When looking at our picture of the future and close our eyes, we are able to reconstruct it and add all of our life experiences to it, in order to show us the best possible manner of achieving it. Therefore, the key to becoming one of that 10 persons to make change happen, like the ones Dobrowolski mentions, is “See it, believe it, Act on it”.
Patti Dobrowolski is a nationally acclaimed comic performer, high-performance business consultant, speaker, strategic illustrator and newly minted author and spends her time on new neuroscience discoveries that leverage the power of imagination and visuals to actualize a vision of the future.
Watch this incredibly entertaining TED Talk and learn how to draw your future and transform your reality by following three bold steps.
Video source: Dobrowolski P. (2015), Draw your future, TED Talks

Tags: Multimedia, Personal Development, Personal performance