Davis Cup playoff – a “real KPI” test for the Australian tennis squad
Tennis has become in the last decades an increasingly popular and competitive game throughout the world, mostly because of the increased media coverage and large money prizes that are nowadays in stake. In a recent article published in The Sydney Morning Herald announcing the upcoming Davis Cup playoffs, it is acknowledged that there has been an explosion of nations with talented players and that the tennis competitions have become much tougher than it was 20 years ago.
With more than 35 different nationalities occupying the top 100 in the men’s rankings, Davis Cup, “the world championships of tennis” competition has the same faith as the other tennis competitions becoming today more competitive than ever.
In this new conditions, for the Australian team, a 28 times champion of the century competition, acceding in the top 16 teams after a three year absence has become a real challenge, but also an important performance milestone to overcome.
The team Australia will face in the Davis Cup playoffs is the Belgium squad. Todd Woodbridge the Australian Davis Cup coach considers the upcoming confrontation as a tough test. To emphasize the importance of the game the Australian captain describes the three day hard-court playoff as a “real key performance indicator”. A nice and well outlined metaphor for the new performance levels the national tennis squads have to meet, we’d like to add.
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Tags: KPI, Performance in Australia, Performance in Belgium, Woodbridge