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Who works more and who plays more? Best countries for the work-life balance



Working long hours, fighting to meet deadlines, burning the midnight oil while trying to spend more time with the spouse and children or taking care of household activities can become overwhelming for the 21st century worker. A faulty work-life balance mainly affects family life, but it can negatively mirror work productivity as well, once burnout sets in.

Living for performance or the knowledge workers generation

Living for performance

Today’s working generation lives in unprecedented times in terms of societal functionality and human interaction. Contradictions among decisions, opinions and beliefs have become, more or less, too trivial to even take notice of their irregularities. Present times are indeed, challenging, from whatever point of view one might approach them. It remains our duty, however, to transform “challenging” from a term with restrictive connotation into a word that implies hidden opportunities.

Lifelogging, taken to a whole new level: the Feltron Annual Reports


When you say Nicholas Felton, you say data visualization, performance, creativity and passion. Felton is an infographic designer, mostly known for his activity as part of Facebook’s product design team, as well as for his Personal Annual Reports. The latter compile daily measurements into graphs, maps and statistics, mirroring the year’s activities, from food and drinks to travels, communication and relationships.

Tell me your sleep patterns and I’ll tell you how you perform!


sleep patterns and performance

Today, the importance of aspects such as nutrition or regular physical activity have become broadly understood. What few people know is the fact that sleep is just as important, and it represents the third pillar of health, as it was proved to severely impact one’s health, safety and, of course, overall performance.

How can you deal with anger constructively?

Anger Management

We’ve all bought the ticket and took the ride on the emotional rollercoaster. Every now and then, the frustration build-up becomes just too much for our strained minds to handle. The immediate response is the familiar breakout. We often pass our days exactly like ticking time bombs, getting closer and closer to the point of explosion. Even though it is perfectly normal to express your anger, too often we do it in the wrongful manner and trigger a chain reaction that not only hurts those around us but also ourselves. Learning how to deal with your anger on its different levels will help you avoid not all, but most of the potentially dangerous situations.


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