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Bridging goals across governmental entities: key insights for enhancing strategies and performance management


Rashed Mohammed Al Jalajil is an executive director with more than 17 years of experience in strategy execution and performance management in both the private and public sectors in Saudi Arabia. He is a change management enthusiast who believes in developing people to lead organizational success.

During the Global Management Forum 2023, you emphasized the importance of embracing change and adopting a mindset that acknowledges its constant occurrence. As the Deputy Minister of Strategy and Vision of the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development (MHRSD), could you share a significant change in both digital and cultural aspects you have implemented to facilitate successful organizational transformation in the MHRSD and how you approached it?

We have worked on creating a performance-driven culture within the ministry by adopting a strategic performance management framework on multiple levels and turning performance management into an ongoing practice. This was acknowledged by the government’s central body for performance measurement where the ministry ranked at the top in terms of the maturity of strategy and performance management among government entities.


As per the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report 2023,” technology and digitalization are driving the decline of clerical and secretarial roles. What is the government’s role in developing future job skills for citizens?

The global jobs market is shifting to digitalization, and COVID expedited such a shift. The government, represented by the ministry, is working from multiple angles toward this, including:

  • Encouraging and supporting the creation of non-traditional jobs
  • Youth development programs to cope with job market requirements
  • Various training programs to upskill and reskill the labor force

The MHRSD and its sister entities have launched many significant initiatives in the matter mentioned above and in collaboration with multiple Vision Realization Programs, such as the National Transformation Program (NTP) and the Human Capability Development Program (HCDP).

Strategy and Performance Management Practices

What would you advise multilateral institutions to reach effectiveness and alignment in strategy planning and implementation?

A key factor in the success of strategy implementation is stakeholder buy-in. This happens through the stakeholders’ engagement from the earlier stages of strategy development with the aim of continuous alignment.

When organizations face challenges, collaboration stands out as the essential component fostering innovation, resilience, and long-term success. Dive into the insights of a seasoned leader, Rashed Mohammed Al Jalajil, regarding how to promote collaboration across various government agencies as well as best practices and trends in strategy and performance management.

Grab the PERFORMANCE Magazine Issue 27, 2023 – Government Edition to read the full interview. The magazine’s digital version is now available on the TKI Marketplace and Amazon for additional print copies.

Career insights: charting leadership excellence in the public sector

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