For those organizations that already have an active Performance Management System (PMS) in place, it’s recommended to occasionally check its relevancy. The solution for this is an audit, followed by a revamp of the current system, based on the results of the audit. Realistically speaking, there is no better way to spot issues & inconsistencies other than identifying your organization’s PMS gaps by rigorously checking its maturity level.
The invitation to this webinar is open to all organizations and professionals thinking of implementing a PMS based on KPIs, as well as to those already in the implementation process, who are looking to understand the system’s big picture, all of the efforts that go along with it and where they stand as per the system’s maturity.
- Featured Articles - Articles based on research and analysis in the field of Performance Management
Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance: Money Isn’t Everything: There is no doubt that money can be a motivator for many employees. A large-scale review of 600 studies showed that incentivizing staff resulted in a 22% gain in performance. However, many other studies have shown that different incentives including flexibility, recognition, and career development can provide employees with the motivation they need to remain loyal to a company, and perform at their very best.
The Five Principles of Performance Thinking
Because of the Industrial Revolution, when everything was primarily based on manufacturing, we became obsessed with process and efficiency. The industrial mindset hates risks and because of this, it punishes failure. Nonetheless, some of the biggest success stories in the 21st century came from failure. So how can business reimagine the concept of performance? Dr. Mark Powell and Jonathan Gifford provide an answer.
- Tools of the Trade - Frequently asked questions about Performance Management toolsVolkswagen performance in the redemption arc: While car manufacturers keep coming up with new technical features, like batteries, sensors and electric drive modules to try to win over new customers, they also need to think about sustainable manufacturing performance as part of the industry they operate in. After Volkswagen dealt with its 2015 blunder, it has now become a role model for others to follow.
A Guide To Improving Manufacturing Efficiency in 5 Steps
Efficiency is critical for all businesses, not least those that operate in the manufacturing industry. All it takes is one mistake on the production line be it a human-made or machine-related mistake— and whole operations can be ruined and shut down immediately. Here’s 5 steps to help you avoid that.
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