For the second episode of the Integrated Performance Podcast, we invited Aurel Brudan, CEO of The KPI Institute, to talk about several performance management-related topics:
The PM Podcast represents an informal gathering, where specialists, subject matter experts, professionals and practitioners alike broach formal topics, on all matters related to business & performance management and measurement.
What have been some of the changes that the Performance Management field has experienced, over time?
What are some one-size-fits-all style KPIs that any company can employ?
What are some of the most interesting trends that the PM field will experience, going into the next year?
Find out the answers to all of these questions & more, in today’s episode!
- Featured Articles - Articles based on research and analysis in the field of Performance Management
Replacing the Irreplaceable, or how to increase the ”Bus factor”
Almost every team has a key member, who is difficult to replace. Being indispensable at work means that your supervisors count on you so much that without you, the productivity of your department might suffer; at least, that is the popular assumption. In this article, we delve deeper into the matter at hand.
- Tools of the Trade - Frequently asked questions about Performance Management tools
The most important KPIs to analyze when looking at a sales funnel
There is no sales training, sales representative or academic that hasn’t heard of, or presented a sales funnel in their entire professional life. However, why are sales funnels so important and what do you need to do, in order to maintain a relevant one?
Insights on Developing a Bank’s Balanced Scorecard
Managing performance, by using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept, assists banks in appreciating whether their growth strategies are successful or not, and what new initiatives are required to achieve their strategic objectives in the future.
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