T h e K P I Institute
Featured Articles
Articles based on research and
analysis in the field of Performance Management
How to Deal with
Workplace Performance Anxiety
If you’ve ever experienced an unpleasant state of panic and restlessness before a job interview, or a presentation and if performance reviews make you feel uncomfortable, chances are you’re dealing with workplace performance anxiety. Here’s what you can do to rise above it!
Designing Efficient
Individual Performance Management
How can both managers and employees get the most out of individual performance management? In order to ensure a successful implementation of a performance management system, The KPI Institute recommends a rigorous step-by-step process.
How to Use Data Mapping
for Improved Reporting
Whether you’re a public agency or a private organization, data clarity and accuracy are two must-haves nowadays. Data mapping is a process that shows the relationship between data in two repositories, such as a source file and a data warehouse. Let’s get into six data mapping strategies that can help you enjoy enhanced business reporting.
Techniques for Effective Environmental Health and Safety Management
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is an essential discipline for organizations of all sizes. It protects your employees, helps you meet your regulatory goals, and reduces the impact on your business activities. Here are several methods you can use to ensure robust EHS throughout your organization. .