Featured Articles
Articles based on research and analysis in the field of Performance Management
Rockwater – Improving Customer Service through the Balanced Scorecard
For Rockwater Energy Solutions, the 1980s represented a rough time, with cutthroat competitors wanting to gain an edge on one side and them struggling to reach the finish line among the first, on the other. By 1993, Rockwater Energy Solutions, a Brown & Root/Halliburton subsidiary, was a global leader in underwater engineering and construction. So, how did they achieve that?
A Guide To Improving Manufacturing Efficiency in 5 Steps
Efficiency is critical for all businesses, not least those that operate in the manufacturing industry. All it takes is one mistake on the production line — be it a human-made or machine-related — and
whole operations can be ruined and shut down immediately. Here are 5 things you can do to prevent mistakes from happening.
The Pros and Cons of Today’s Appraisal Methods
We use ratings in our daily lives more often than you might expect. We look to Yelp for restaurant ratings, or to Rotten Tomatoes for
movie ratings. At work, ratings have long been part of the formal appraisal process, especially annual ratings. However, many workplaces are now opting to forgo these annual meetings for more frequent, less formal feedback sessions.
Excellence in performance reporting: The New York Mayor’s Management Report
Performance reporting in public institutions is not an innovation anymore. The New York’s Mayor’s Office understands that and has set out quantitative statements for the objectives they aspire to achieve, overseeing and presenting their subsequent results through performance indicators, thus solidifying its commitment to transparency and accountability.